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Life Cycle of a Loan in SIS

Throughout its term, an auto loan may exist in several states with regards to physical damage coverage. SIS recognizes each state and reacts according to the preferences of each lending institution. When the insurance company issues a PD policy, the lender is named as lienholder (the lienholder enjoys first rights to any settlements for loss claims on the vehicle or monies derived from the proceeds of the vehicle's sale). All changes in insurance status are reported to the lienholder and the loan falls into one of several coverage states. SIS displays the insurance status of each loan when viewed.

The letter cycle consists of one or more "notices" that advise the borrower of the lender's assessment of the loan's PD coverage status. Each notice is reviewed by the lender's representative, then mailed to the borrower. If after these notices are mailed no evidence if PD coverage is received, a single interest policy will be generated after a preset number of days. The premium for the single interest policy is based on the loan balance as of the date that coverage lapsed.

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This page last updated 4.6.98